Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The end of one dream, the start of another.

My dream has always been to help children enjoy history - and for the past 7 years, that is precisely what I have done. Students entered my classroom sharing that history/social studies was their least favorite subject, and left my classroom with it as reigning subject champion. To say that I am incredibly grateful of the Three Rivers district, my incredible colleages, my parents, MY KIDDOS, would be an understatement. I have loved and cherished each and every moment in room 220.
But dreams are funny.
They have a strange way of morphing into different dreams, not new dreams, just evolved dreams. Like when your dreaming at night and you 're at the circus with your husband, but he then morphs into your best friend ... and yet, your dream self is super chill and doesn't even notice. 
My passion continues to be history. The joy of bringing it to life will forever remain the be all end all of the dream. However, the dream morphed a little.
An opportunity to work at the school I student taught at opened up...ANNNND  it was for 7th and 8th grade ELA and history. I had been mentally wrestling with moving up in grades and when this door opened, I knew the Lord was morphing my dream.
I am very excited to be starting in August as a humanities teacher for 7th and 8th grade (I will be teaching 6th grade social studies once a week as well). I have no plans of shutting down my blog, as I hope the ideas I have shared will continue to inspire teachers. But I am planning on adding to this blog the adventures and activities of social studies in the Junior High era of my life.
Thank you to all that encourage me and for all the ideas you share that inspire and make me a better teacher.
annnnd if you are a middle school teacher - the stalking of your blog has already begun ;)