Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Stuff

Football. Yet another great thing about this beautiful Autumn season:)

Currently working on this next weeks lesson plans watching ESPN with my man.
Sunday's consist of football, football, and more football in our home - this year has been a welcome change for my husband, a diehard Lions fan! The game today against the 49er's was a little rough, but we dominated in the game against the Rams (big surprise!) so I'm happy! 6-0 baby!

 Random Sunday classroom stuff:

  • Started a WOW wall in my room - the kids seem to enjoy checking it to see if their work made it onto the wall. Working on getting it updated more than once every couple of weeks!
  • We started something new this year as an incentive for kids to work on their attendance. Every two weeks, the classroom with the best attendance wins the opportunity to either have a classroom treat or play the staff in a dodge ball tournament. My class won the very first best attendance of the year and needless to say, they chose to play the staff in dodge ball - it was epic. We won, of course (wink). They were short games and the whole ordeal only lasted about 20 minutes at the end of the day; the whole school was there and cheering - there was so much energy! Sadly, my kids struggle with good sportsmanship (the PE teacher has spoken to me about this already) and so the dynamic was lessened since I had to address some of their unsportsmanlike behavior in front of the whole school. But overall it went well, I hope that it helped them understand the importance of good sportsmanship.


  1. Football is always on in my house too, not really my choice though ha! Your volleyball games sound awesome, what a motivator for those kids. And a good chance to practice those sportsmanship skills lol!

  2. Hi,
    You left me some comments on my Reading is Thinking blog.Here are some answers. Wordle is a website you can go to and type in text and it prints it in this really fun format. I think it is or org. You could google it. Its really fun to play around with. I like to use it to work with character traits. As far as my reading program goes, I use a basal called Trophies by Harcourt, but I am really passionate about using great literature with kids. The basal just has short stories, some of them are good but not lots to discuss. To get kids to think deeply about text you need to get meaty stories. I am happy you liked the coaster writing (small moment). That was one of my favorites last year! I just have them put a sticker on their paper when they used a skill (like sound words or a great adjective) its really for fun. Something to keep them focused. I see that you are a young teacher. Reading blogs and blogging yourself is the best PD on the planet!!!! I wish blogs were around when I was just starting out. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Christine


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